We provide professional radon testing services to ensure that your home or business is safe. After your test is complete, you will receive a full report and any additional steps that may be needed.
What Is Radon?
According to the Natural Standard, The Authority on Integrative Medicine, Radon is an invisible radioactive gas that has no taste, smell or color. Over time, the uranium in rocks and soil decays and radon gas is released. The gas releases radioactive particles. Because radon is a gas, it can enter buildings through openings or cracks in the foundation.
Why Is It Important To Test For Radon?
Radon gas can accumulate in homes, especially in confined areas such as attics and basements. Radon levels fluctuate naturally, therefore testing for high levels is important. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer according to the National Cancer Institute. With Radon being an odorless gas the only way to detect it would be testing with a machine or canister.
What Is The Testing Process?
Typically, the radon inspection is a two-day process in which a Sun Nuclear machine is placed at the lowest level of the property that is habitable. For a home that has a finished basement, the test will be placed in the basement. If a home does not have a basement, the test will be placed on the first floor. After 48 hours, the average radon level is taken, and if the radon level is found to be at or above 4.0 pCi/L, it is considered “unsafe” by the EPA. Please note that radon will be detected because it is always present, but it is the levels at which it fluctuates to that is of concern. If this is the case, the situation can be remedied by a radon mitigation system, which can cost anywhere from approximately $1,000 – $2,000 depending on the type of system and the specific characteristics of the home.